VI. New York City's Nonprofits Receive Revenues from a Diverse Set of Sources

The largest share of total revenue (61%) of the 9,078 reporting charities comes from program revenues, membership fees, government con-tracts, and other forms of earnings like sales of assets.

New York City's nonprofits together receive almost 30% of their revenues from contribu-tions (compared to 21.5% overall in the United States). These contributions totaled $14.5 bil-lion in the year 2000 (or 7% of the U.S. total of $203 billion).

New York City nonprofits receive 11% of the national total of grants made by foundations though the City is the home of only 3% of the nation's population, 3% of its nonprofit organ-izations, and 9% of its foundations.

Locally based foundations have been highly supportive of the City's nonprofits. Grants totaled more than $820 million in 1999, up from $443 million in 1992, or an increase of 67% (inflation adjusted). Local New York City nonprofits receive about one-third of all grants made by local foundations.